Thank you Aunty Steff for coming to visit us today! We enjoyed learning about eggs. First, we saw a quail’s egg, a chicken’s egg, a duck’s egg, a goose’s egg, an emu egg, and then an ostrich egg! Thank you to Gill for bringing in the ostrich egg for us to see. The children were delighted to see how the eggs ranged from smallest to biggest. The smallest egg was the quail’s egg and the biggest was the ostrich’s egg. Aunty Steff had some pictures to add to the egg to help the children associate the animal with the egg . Then Lyn showed the children a picture of the other animals on her computer to support the children’s understanding. The children then were invited to hold the chicken egg and then the emu egg to feel the difference in weight. Lucas said ‘It’s heavy’, Saskia said ‘It’s cold’ and Roscoe said ‘This is heavy’. It was lovely to see the children try some of the emu eggs that were cooked by Aunty Steff. Following this experience, we then listened to the emu caller and acted out the hunter collecting emu eggs to see other stories.